Maps of Chickamauga
Map Legend
The Battle
The Campaign
Sept. 18th, 1863
Sept. 19th, 1863
Sept. 20th, 1863
Then and Now
Order of Battle
Wargaming Chickamauga
1:00 PM
Brigade Overview
Sept 19th
By 1 PM Baird and Brannan’s Fourteenth Corps division have been fought to exhaustion, and they rest near the Reed’s Bridge Road. South of them, Palmer and Johnson’s divisions fight off a violent attack from Cheatham’s Division. Reynold’s 4th Division has arrived in support. Van Cleve’s 3rd Division, Twenty-First Corps has been ordered north, and Davis’ 1st Division, Twentieth Corps will soon be sent forward from Rosecran’s headquarters, though Van Cleve will have already passed by.
While the Confederate Reserve Corps rests on the Youngblood farm, Bragg moves Stewart’s Division from its place in line north to help Cheatham. Preston’s Divison moves north to fill the gap and maintain a secure hold on Chickamauga Creek. |
12:45 PM |
1:00 PM |