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Maps of Chickamauga

Map Legend

The Battle
     The Campaign
     Sept. 18th, 1863
     Sept. 19th, 1863
     Sept. 20th, 1863

Then and Now

Order of Battle

Wargaming Chickamauga



12:45 PM
Sept 19th

            Alarmed by the rout of Baird’s 1st Division, Thomas sends in two more divisions; Brigadier General Richard Johnson’s Twentieth Corps, and Major General John Palmer’s Twenty-First Corps divisions.  Both have been placed under Thomas’s immediate command.

            Johnson’s division advances through the woods with two brigades forward and one in reserve.  Palmer advances en echelon with the right retired.

            Meanwhile, Croxton’s stubborn fighting withdrawal slows Cheatham’s advance.  The two sides race for control of the few open fields available.

 12:30 PM
1:00 PM Brigade Overview  

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