Maps of Chickamauga
Map Legend
The Battle
The Campaign
Sept. 18th, 1863
Sept. 19th, 1863
Sept. 20th, 1863
Then and Now
Order of Battle
Wargaming Chickamauga
1:30 PM
Brock Field
Sept 19th
Major General Rosecrans quickly sends more reinforcements to the fighting. Two brigades of the Fourteenth Corps division under Major General Joseph Reynolds arrive and are split up. One brigade goes to reinforce Grose, and one brigade moves to help Hazen. In addition, Rosecrans sends two brigades of the Twenty-First Corps division commanded by Brigadier General Horatio Van Cleve up the Lafayette Road on the run. They form along the road, advance, and smash into the flank of Wright’s brigade as they fight Grose. They capture Carnes’ battery, and drive Wright from the field.
Meanwhile to the north, Johnson’s division is still fighting a single Confederate brigade. Thirty minutes of fighting have brought little attempt by Johnson to use his advantage in numbers to find the Confederate flank. Likewise, Hazen and Cruft fight off the assault of a single Confederate brigade. The fighting is heavy, but the Union forces make no attempt to use their local advantage in numbers. Because of the fierceness of the attack, Hazen and Cruft give no thought to an attack of their own. |
1:00 PM |