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Maps of Chickamauga

Map Legend

The Battle
     The Campaign
     Sept. 18th, 1863
     Sept. 19th, 1863
     Sept. 20th, 1863

Then and Now

Order of Battle

Wargaming Chickamauga



5:30 PM
Viniard Field
Sept 19th

            Bradley’s counterattack has mixed results.  The 22nd Illinois takes serious casualties and breaks.  The fragments of Carlin’s exhausted brigade refuse to advance farther than the ditch.  In addition, Bradley is seriously wounded, and command of the brigade is taken over by Col. Nathan Walworth of the 42nd Illinois.

            On the other hand, Bradley succeeds in driving Law’s division to the eastern end of East Viniard Field, and the 8th Indiana Battery is recovered and sent to the rear.  Laiboldt’s brigade also arrives behind Wilder.

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