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Maps of Chickamauga
Map Legend
The Battle
The Campaign
Sept. 18th, 1863
Sept. 19th, 1863
Sept. 20th, 1863
Then and Now
Order of Battle
Wargaming Chickamauga
2:15 PM
Brock Field
Sept 19th
North of Brock Field, Baldwin finally makes a concerted attack on Dibrell’s dismounted cavalry and forces them back. Willich continues to battle Maney, and Dodge brings his four regiments on line. Maney, fearing for the safety of his battery, keeps one gun of Smith’s battery with the brigade and orders the remaining to retire to safety.
In the Brock Field itself, Turchin’s brigade relieves Hazen and Strahl continues to put up the best fight he can against a numerically superior foe with seemingly endless reserves. |