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Maps of Chickamauga

Map Legend

The Battle
     The Campaign
     Sept. 18th, 1863
     Sept. 19th, 1863
     Sept. 20th, 1863

Then and Now

Order of Battle

Wargaming Chickamauga



2:00 PM
Brock Field
Sept 19th

            Cheatham’s frontline brigades are taking a beating, and he orders his reserve brigades forward to relieve them.  Brigadier General George Maney relieves Jackson, and Brigadier General Otto Strahl moves through and relieves Smith.  In addition, Dibrell’s cavalry brigade is sent forward to help bolster Maney’s open right flank, which Johnson still has not taken advantage of after an hour of fighting.

            Turchin's brigade arrives behind Hazen in support, having earlier been diverted from Reynold's division.

            Near the Brotherton farm Grose consolidates his position on the knoll, while Van Cleve rests near Carnes’ captured battery.  Colonel John King’s brigade waits in support, and a formidable line of batteries begins to deploy on the open ridge of the Brotherton farm.

            General Bragg, hoping to reinforce Cheathem, sends Major General Alexander Stewart’s division north.  Brigadier General Henry Clayton’s brigade arrives first and deploys facing north along the southern edge of Brock Field.

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